Errupting volcano
Beach and layered rock clif next to beach
Mountains and deep valley
Mining operation

Chris' Rock Collection

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Field technician hiking over some boulders Tents setup at remote camp Grass covered valley View during field work Zion rock and gem store sign View of river valley
Bornite mineral

Name: Bornite
Type: Ore Mineral
Commodity: Copper
Collected: Utah

Malachite mineral

Name: Malachite
Type: Ore Mineral
Commodity: Copper
Collected: Newfoundland

Granite gold bearing rock

Name: Granite (Gold-Bearing)
Type: Igneous
Minerals: Galena, Chalcopyrite
Collected: Southwest Newfoundland

Semi-massive sulphide bearing gold

Name: Semi-Massive Sulphide (Gold-Bearing)
Type: Ore Mineral
Minerals: Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Bornite
Collected: Southwest Newfoundland

Obsidian igenous rock

Name: Obsidian
Type: Igneous
Minerals: Silicates
Collected: Utah

Apatite minearl

Name: Apatite
Type: Ore Mineral
Commodity: Phosphorus
Collected: Utah

Labradorite mineral

Name: Labradorite
Type: Igneous/Metamorphic
Minerals: Plagioclase Feldspar, Micas
Collected: Labrador

Peroditite rock

Name: Peroditite
Type: Igneous (Ocean Floor Rocks!)
Minerals: Olivene, Pyroxene, Plagioclase Feldspar
Collected: Western Newfoundland

Massive sulphide ore, drilled and sampled

Name: Massive Sulphide Ore (Drilled)
Type: Igneous
Commodities: Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc
Collected: Buchans, Newfoundland

Petrified wood

Name: Petrified Wood
Type: Sedimentary
Minerals: Silicates
Collected: Newfoundland

Fuchsite mineral

Name: Fuchsite
Type: Ore Mineral
Commodity: Chromium
Collected: Scandinavia

Native Bismuth

Name: Bismuth (Native)
Type: Ore Mineral
Commodity: Bismuth
Collected: Utah